Success Stories

Your mastery of this domain is absolutely fascinating!

A HUGE THANK YOU! for today's consultation. Your mastery of this domain is absolutely fascinating! (I'm resolved to refreshen my biochemistry chops!) and I am super excited to ramp up the proficiency of my self-care! I DEEPLY appreciate the thorough, generous and conscientious and considerate way you provide knowledge, compassion and INSPIRATION! - Emile G.

I’m loving the Demystifying Detox class!

The information is so rich and so useful! Dr. Keesha is connecting a lot of dots for me. - Warm regards, Carol

A patient talks about about working with Dr. Keesha to reverse her autoimmune disease.

A patient's testimonial about working with Dr. Keesha to reverse her autoimmune disease.

A patient talks about about working with Dr. Keesha to reverse her autoimmune disease.

A patient's testimonial about working with Dr. Keesha to reverse her autoimmune disease.

A patient talks about about working with Dr. Keesha to reverse her autoimmune disease.

A patient's testimonial about working with Dr. Keesha to reverse her autoimmune disease.

A Deep Immersion Retreat participant talks about her experience.

A Deep Immersion Retreat participant talks about her experience.

A Deep Immersion Retreat participant talks about her experience.

A Deep Immersion Retreat participant talks about her experience.

"Today I feel more alive than I have for years."

"I’ve just returned home from a 3-day Mystic Medicine Retreat with Dr. Keesha Ewers. I attended and supported this retreat because after years of living in the fog of limiting beliefs, old stories, and chronic illness I am ready for a new level of healing.

Mystic Medicine may sound like a magical, unreal, and hard-to-believe approach to healing but in fact what I experienced was both practical and magical. There were no spells or tricks. The immersive retreat was a safe and spiritual container of human beings gathered to find freedom from thinking patterns that limit their vitality. The magic I experienced was the emergence of my true self comprised of ingredients already present within me but shifted by the shared human spirit and supported by an ancient wisdom integrated with a modern therapeutic framework. This process revealed the inner child inside me that was running my show. I took my inner child for walks around the medicine wheel encircled by the shared vulnerabilities and stories of my new Mystic Medicine Tribe (retreat participants) and supported by my mentor and mystic healing guide, Dr. Keesha.

The experience was powerful and has allowed me to emerge loving my inner child while honoring the wiser woman I have become. I no longer see the mistakes in my life as something to feel guilty about. I no longer see the trauma in my life from a victim’s perspective. I am no longer ashamed of my shadow self. Both my light and my shadow guide me. Both are divine and help me evolve toward my true destiny. This is Mystic Medicine."

Hester Morrissey, Integrative Health and Energy Renewal Coach

Every single class and calls are so deep and eye opening.

Dr. Keesha is so amazing!! It's so honored for me to get help from her, as well as learning from her directly. Every single class and calls are so deep and eye opening. I am so happy to learn from her. - Naomi, Academy for Integrative Medicine student

Dr. Keesha and this beautiful program have transformed and enhanced my life in ways I could never imagine possible! I am so grateful!!!

“My previous joint pains and arthritis is 99% improved”

I am having fun cooking meals with the family that includes my diet restrictions, based on tests and advice from Dr. Keesha! Never a dull moment! My previous joint pains and arthritis is 99% improved. As long as I stick to the plan, there is no IBS or GI distress like before. And I’m finding I have enough energy to keep up with the one and 2 &1/2 year old whirlwind grandkids. Another area of improvement. No more migraines!

That is a significant success!

A big “Thank you” for all the guidance, education, expertise, help & support we have received from Dr K & Nicky in managing/improving health!
Christine M.

“The more I use Dr. Keesha's recommendations, the stronger I feel that she is definitely one of the top medical providers available”

I want to thank you for how quickly you respond to every email. The more I use Dr. Keesha's recommendations, the stronger I feel that she is definitely one of the top medical providers available. My mood is excellent, I am sleeping like the dead without Ambien and my energy is getting much better than it was in the beginning of the pandemic, when we were all stressed out. I still have trouble with physical activity that is more than 1-2 mile walk (with little incline) and having 3 commitments in a day stresses me out so I am not as resilient to stress as I would like to be. But I am making progress! Katie M.

“I am amazed”

I arrived dizzy and with ringing in my ears and after two days at this retreat it was gone. I am amazed. This is truly miraculous work and I feel so blessed.


I would not be in this healthy place without you.

"I can’t thank you enough for helping me over the past 10 years. I am so lucky to be in this place of great health after being sick for so long. I would not be in this healthy place without you."


“I must say: your book is BRILLIANT. It thrills me to know that you have put together everything I've been wanting to put together for years now. THANK YOU for this brilliant piece of work!”

Alexandra T. Milspaw, PhD, M.Ed., LPC

“ really shifted things with my husband and me in a beautiful way...”

I first have to tell you that you really shifted things with my husband and me in a beautiful way... Because I was meditating on ABUNDANCE back in January during your 5 day meditation course, I found myself saying YES (abundance of time) during a particularly busy morning, when my husband asked me to walk to the train with him. We were so delighted with each other and in love like when we first met!!! THANK YOU!!!

Love, Elissa

“...thank you for such a rich experience - and journey ahead.”

I'm blown away with the level of information and support that has come from this past weekend. It just reinforces the great decision I've made to join the VIP Concierge program :). Thank you, thank you, thank you for such a rich experience - and journey ahead.


“Holy Moley! I LOVE your The Quick and Easy Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook!”

While I haven't read every page, I love all that I see you've included, and can't wait to get my hands on a hard copy to pour over. The chocolate chocolate chip muffins, were so easy!!! I was easily able to make a half batch when I saw I only had 2 eggs, and my little guy loves walnuts so subbed them for the chips. They were a hit with these 4 little boys at the beach who devoured your muffins with such relish! The Quick and Easy Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook is exactly what busy moms like me need!

- Elissa Arnheim, Health Coach and Certified Fermentationist, Host of the Healthy Gut Happy Child Summit

“As a result of reading your book she has opened herself to new things”

Hi, I am sure you are hearing wonderful stories as a result of your book, Solving the Autoimmune Puzzle, but can there ever be too many. I purchased it for my best friend who read it and for her I think it was affirmation of all she is currently doing for her health and well being. But we have a mutual friend at our church, a young woman who has been struggling with health issues for some time and while docs finally put a name to it (I don’t remember what it is other than autoimmune) and had begun treating her, she was not really improving. She read your book. I spoke with her this morning, quite honestly, I had forgotten she had the book! But...she started sharing with me how as she read the book all kinds of lightbulbs were going on in her head. She was raised in a very strong medically influenced family where anything outside of mainstream was not received well. But! As a result of reading your book she has opened herself to new things. She is seeing a very good naturopath who has been able to get her off several very toxic drugs. Her doc wanted to put her on another drug and she just had checks in her spirit and said no. She is feeling much better and is so thankful for all she learned from you. She said she so appreciated how you connected the emotional Being to everything else and how that has made a huge difference for her. Blessings dear one.

"The Autogenic Training is making the difference"

"I've noticed the last two weeks upon waking that the tightness and cramping in my hands has significantly decreased. I've been thinking about what could account for this after more than a year of these symptoms. I am already gluten free, dairy, soy, eggs, corn free. Limited grains and legumes. I was doing my Autogenic Training session (part of the Stress Busting Toolkit) and it occurred to me the Autogenic Training is making the difference. My feet feel much better as well."

Kim C

"I really love your work! It came to me so wonderfully-timed, when I'd begun to sense a connection between my body's suffering and the grooves of early trauma. The way you tied autoimmunity to self-destructive impulses and trauma was a R-E-V-E-L-A-T-I-O-N. Thanks for being such a great teacher, mentor, and inspiration."

Julie Jewell

"This was a Godsend for me."

"I just wanted to THANK YOU so very much for offering this free 21 Day Quick Start Program. I am struggling with a few issues and this was a Godsend for me. Not many experts offer such a comprehensive free program and I had to write to you to let you know that it is very much appreciated."

Skye Renee Bogater

It really helps me to say hello to the anxiety and then go on about my business. Then it doesn't have the power over me like it did before!

"In response to Dr. Keesha Ewers email today about navigating uncomfortable emotions, yes, I've been experiencing lots of anxiety in the past 6 months. There are numerous life changes going on and I'm almost 3 months into a gut healing diet and still not feeling great much of the time. I've become so aware from you and numerous other sources of how much our emotions affect the health of our guts and how well they work. It really helps me to say hello to the anxiety and then go on about my business. Then it doesn't have the power over me like it did before! Your "Stress Busting Took Kit" is also a HUGE help as well as your book and the ways it offers to work through our emotions. I'm on the wonderful journey of creating the rest of my life! Thank you for being a treasured part of that! You really speak to and move me. I'm here to stay!"

Lydia Chasen

"I am loving the class (AIM) and looking forward to diving in more as we continue. Thank you so much for putting this class together for all of us. Obviously an incredible amount of time has gone into preparing all the information and I so appreciate being a part of it."

Jeani Rademacher

"I'm feeling empowered by your tools"

I just wanted to send another note of gratitude for your simple but very useful suggestions each day for last 13 days of the 21 Day Quick Start Program. They have been put to use by me and I'm feeling empowered by your tools and others learned on LS2. I drink the CCF tea daily since reading about it in your book. Love, love, loveit! I ordered and began using sesame oil today. I ordered your autoimmune book on Amazon and will begin reading soon."


"I am so thankful for all the ways you have contributed to the amazing progress I’ve experienced in the last 6 weeks."

This spring, I actually enjoyed the spring instead of feeling sad that another spring was passing without me feeling like a real person. For the first time in years I’ve enjoyed vacations with my family and have been enjoying my husband and children so much more too. I think they are enjoying me more too! Most of all, I’ve had a rebirth of lifelong dreams and become reacquainted with parts of me that had been quieted because I had no space for them in my painful existence. This is all on top of being able to eat cheese again! (and tomatoes, peppers, almonds…) I could keep going, but you get the picture!

Thank you, thank you, for all that you do each day. I know there are still more good things to come, but I wanted to pause amidst the work to let you know how much I appreciate you.

Many blessings,

Rebecca Murakami

A patient talks about the experience of healing by working with Dr. Keesha Ewers.

“I have never experienced such an incredible tribe of people...”

I have never experienced such an incredible tribe of people so willing to do their work. I feel seen, heard and capable of being my authentic and powerful self.


"... Only you could have convinced my husband the way you did..."

"Thank you for being so awesome - only you could have convinced my husband the way you did. Thank you for sharing your personal story as well as that is really a testament to how you live and breathe what you preach."

Stori S.

"We're lucky to have you and your amazing mind and caring heart in our lives!"

"I want to take a moment today to wish you the merriest of holidays in appreciation for all the magic and healing you bring to the world, and many blessings for you during this ever-evolving journey of spirit in bliss! It sounds like you are transitioning to a whole new you! Doncha just love all the layers of this onion (or, preferably, "petals on this rose" :-))?

Turning 60 this month and all my sons and grandson all married this past year has released me to a new and different life. It's "Get Back to Me" time. This is the perfect time for me to do the work to cleanse my whole being and refresh my body and soul. Thank you for providing me with tools to do that! I hope you will continue to keep your website and the programs available to us all, with even more to come!

Congratulations on your new direction. Maybe it's not that it's new, but that it's focusing in on the main gain for humanity - integrative medicine. We're lucky to have you and your amazing mind and caring heart in our lives!"

Jennifer Sweete

Brian talks about his experience of healing by working with Dr. Keesha Ewers at Fern Life Center.

"I am feeling so much freedom."

I highly recommend the Autogenic Training that is part of this program (TLC). I have done a lot of personal work, but the autogenic training has helped my nervous system calm down so now I am having more insights and seeing new connections about how I see a lot of things in my life. I now see this has been causing me to get sick. I am feeling so much freedom.

Kim Clarke

"You UnBroken is an incredible program that I not only benefited from personally, but it gifts me with a resource to offer my clients as we unfold an integrative plan to create more health, freedom, and vitality in their lives. It is a tangible way to engage in supporting change in yourself on a day to day basis."

Allison Post, Somatic Bodyworker, Author and Educator

"Dr. Keesha’s program gave me the skills and knowledge that began a journey of transformation."

I started a detox and adrenal health program, gradually working on my emotional, physical, mental and spiritual challenges with Dr. Keesha Ewers. I became more aware about my health, nutrition, relationships and balancing my life. Dr. Keesha’s program gave me the skills and knowledge that began a journey of transformation. Two years later I am still benefiting from her wisdom and still learning about myself. My journey continues to be transformative and self-reflective.

Dr. Keesha has a natural, authentic, non-threatening style of communicating. She is one of the most genuine individuals I know. I trust her like no one I’ve ever met before in my life. She is truly a gifted healer balancing emotional, physical, mental and spiritual aspects of individuals. I cannot speak highly enough for her, the programs and the staff.

Frankie Steffey

Teresa on her experience of healing by working with Dr. Keesha Ewers at Fern Life Center.

"I feel better, have more energy, and I'm down to two prescription medications (from 5)."

I sought out Dr. Keesha Ewers when my endocrinologist told me I was pre-diabetic. His only solution (outside of "try exercising more and eating better") was medication. I knew there was a better way. First, Dr. Keesha really listened to my issues--which were more than just blood sugar related. She helped me see my health as part of a holistic journey. She did tests I'd never had (or had even been considered for me!) and found out I am allergic to gluten. After eliminating gluten from my diet, I've been able to also eliminate two medications I have taken for years for asthma--including a steroid inhaler. The elimination diet she put me on has resulted not only in weight loss but also cleared pain from all my joints, including my budding carpal tunnel syndrome. I feel better, have more energy, and I'm down to two prescription medications (from 5). Dr. Keesha is great at getting to the root of your health problems instead of giving you medications to treat only the symptoms. She can also tell you, in layman's terms, how your body's organs and systems are connected and how stress on one organ can impact others (such as thyroid). I'm so glad I found her. It is not always an easy journey, but isn't your health worth it?

Deb L., Redmond, WA

"You are SO my hero…I am sending all of my friends to you. You were also so right about the ADD meds, I stopped taking them. I don’t need them. You have changed my life."

Katie L.

Susan talks about the healing she's experienced by working with Dr. Keesha at Fern Life Center.

"I am finally on the road to reducing and hopefully eliminating the medications and regaining a healthy life."

Exhausted by western medicine's technique of offering only medication that masked symptoms, I took my more than decade-long health issues to Dr. Keesha Ewers. I found not only an empathetic approach, but one which set me on a path to treat the causes of the problems. No western doctor ever tested me to determine that I was pre-diabetic, even though there was a history of Type 2 diabetes in my immediate family. Dr. Keesha's thorough testing protocol uncovered that and other key diagnoses that have a severe impact on my future health. Through a carefully designed plan with frequent fine-tuning, I am finally on the road to reducing and hopefully eliminating the medications and regaining a healthy life. I feel that my association with the Institute has significantly improved my chances for a longer, illness-free life.

Marilee H., Seattle, WA

"I feel like God sent you to my life."

I couldn’t even walk without holding onto something. I struggled to get up from a seated position, and now look at me! I am walking around and getting up and down easily! Thank you so much Dr. Keesha. I feel like God sent you to my life.


A patient talks about her experience of healing by working with Dr. Keesha Ewers at Fern Life Center.

"We are in this 8 weeks now and we are so happy that we have been empowered ..."

After a friend described similar heath issues as my husbands and her satisfaction of the care that she received through Dr. Keesha, I decided to make appointments for both my husband and myself.

After several diagnostic tests which showed some very immediate health concerns, we appreciated that we had a willing partner in Dr. Keesha Ewers, who helped by showing us how we could take control of our health.

We began a journey of self-imposed improved health via an elimination diet which admittedly was difficult at first however our bodies showed us the benefits through greater energy and mental clarity and weight loss. The importance of the strict elimination diet starts to hit home as you start adding foods back in and see the effects that the wrong foods have on us and affect us metabolically. You really start to grasp the "our food becomes us", when you feel how certain things that you think that you love to eat really screw you up. It becomes easier to look for an alternative to that pain by letting it go. I "loved" coffee but there are alternatives to coffee which are better for you and very tasty without the acids and caffeine for example.

We are in this 8 weeks now and we are so happy that we have been empowered and are determined to take advantage of this opportunity to turn our lives around from the inside out. IT TAKES DISCIPLINE. If you have it, you will be rewarded by your efforts.

Take advantage of what is available with Dr. Keesha Ewers. Her guidance to your own self-health care is good prevention and a cost effective alternative especially if you have immediate health concerns which most certainly will cost you more in the long run....we really do become what we eat!

D R.: Renton, WA

Denise talks about her experience working with Dr. Keesha Ewers and turning her health around.

"I feel better than I have in 5 years and I can't wait to see how amazing I am going to feel tomorrow."

Dr. Keesha Ewers has brought me back to life! I have spent the last 10 years struggling with chronic illnesses that no doctor could ever fix. I continued to get worse and worse until my life became only dealing with illness. I started seeing Dr. Keesha 1 month ago and it is like a MIRACLE has happened! 4 weeks ago I was done for the day by 5:00 pm - no energy even to make dinner or to help my kids with homework. I was too sick to take a walk, do yoga and unable to ride a bike. Just making it to work was becoming a challenge. This week I attended 5 evening yoga classes, bought a new bicycle because my vertigo is subsiding, and have normal blood pressure! I feel better than I have in 5 years and I can't wait to see how amazing I am going to feel tomorrow. Dr. Keesha is so kind and supportive and is an unbelievable healer. The Institute also offers a wonderful meditation program (which is one of the reasons I am healing so quickly!) and other education opportunities like cooking classes and weekend seminars. Working with the Dr. Keesha will be the greatest gift you will ever give yourself. Be prepared for miracles! Robin J., Issaquah, WA

"... it's as if Dr. Keesha can see our "blind spots" before they can been seen by our own hearts/spirit/minds."

My journey with Dr. Keesha began in February 2008. Upon my initial consultation, my heart & spirit knew she was the access for wellness & freedom in my life; to help fulfill both a physical and emotional need. My now husband, and I, proceeded to undergo Ayurvedic treatment plans shortly after; and continued to meet with Dr. Keesha to focus on our individual growth and healing. From our commitment to trust Dr. Keesha, I was able to climb the "mountains" I placed within my life decades ago (like peeling back the layers of an onion); to allow myself to heal and have compassion within my life. These events were a catalyst that created a sense of freedom in my life that I honestly thought wasn't possible to achieve. I am now working with Dr. Keesha to explore possible allergies/sensitivities that I may have to food and/or my environment. I am in my third week of the Elimination Diet and feeling so much better! I believe this will be incredibly helpful to sustain continued wellness within my life. The Effortless Mind Meditation Course with Ajayan was also a great introduction to a daily meditation practice; and provides an opportunity to practice meditation within a supportive community. I would highly recommend working with Dr. Keesha and her team, as well as participating within the variety of other offerings available at the Institute. The commitment to take on a treatment/program is one that may test your willpower, yet I would urge you to trust in yourself and in Dr. Keesha. Within my and my husband's experience, it's as if Dr. Keesha can see our "blind spots" before they can been seen by our own hearts/spirit/minds. Cultivating a belief that you can work through it and follow through with the program, you will see results; and you will have felt the freedom and healing that they will bring. Best of wishes to each of you who read this; I hope you find the answers you are searching for within your pursuit of wellness. Take Care.
Renee F.

Thank you! You have such a sweet nurturing voice, Dr. Ewers - enjoying your Autogenic Training Audio and Progressive Relaxation! Wonderful to listen to as I imagine myself lying on a hammock on a beach! Susan Greenough

"Her kindness is also something that has really encouraged me to take care of myself."

Dr. Keesha Ewers runs a very healing practice. She taught me about how to use natural products to control body function. She also gave me some helpful tips on health in general. I would recommend her to anyone who wants a outstanding health provider. Her kindness is also something that has really encouraged me to take care of myself. Here is a big thank you to Dr. Keesha Ewers. Barbara W.

" It is vital to like and trust the person who you choose to partner with in your healing. "

When you enter the world of Ayurveda, I suggest that you suspend your beliefs about what you know and what you think you know about healing. Ayurveda is simple at its core and complex in its manifestation. Treatments are customized to the body type with the goal being to bring the body back into balance. This route to healing needs your full personal attention because ultimately you are your own healer. If you choose the Functional Sexology Institute, you will be guided, treated, and counseled with great compassion and experience by Dr. Keesha Ewers. As an ARNP and Master of Ayurveda, Dr. Keesha is able to provide multi-dimensional healing perspectives hard to find elsewhere. My story: In 2007 I heard about Dr. Keesha Ewers after reading about Ayurveda for 20 years. At the time I was experiencing a major burnout in energy and vitality. During my initial consultation, I did a lot of talking and Dr. Keesha did a lot of listening. We ended up having a very uplifting dialogue during which I felt connected to her. It is vital to like and trust the person who you choose to partner with in your healing. I did a month-long liver detoxification. It was not easy, but it was effective. I was once again fully alive.

Shalini Koduri

"... there is so much support from Keesha and her staff, they make you feel so well cared for. "

I went through Dr. Keesha’s basic elimination diet, Ayurvedic treatments and few other detox regimens. What I love about her style, is that she uses food as medicine and does not rely on too many herbs and concoctions for the long-term. I will not say that it is easy. It requires a lot of discipline in terms of sticking to the prescribed diet. But it is so well-worth at the end, and there is so much support from Keesha and her staff, they make you feel so well cared for. Keesha herself is so involved in every detail of the treatment, follows-up diligently and is very compassionate when it comes to dealing with all ups and downs of the treatment. I'm in such good health now, I don't have to really go to Dr. Keesha anymore! And this is from just 2 months of treatment. But seeing my awesome results, my family has started going there too. I'd highly recommend Dr. Keesha Ewers to anyone who is looking for better health, the natural way….


Success Stories

What People Say


Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site. Information provided on this web site DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any doctor affiliated with our web site. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

© Copyright | Dr. Keesha Ewers 2023

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Information on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional. Do not use the information on this web site for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease. Always speak with your physician or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or using any treatment for a health problem. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health care provider promptly. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site. Information provided on this web site DOES NOT create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any doctor affiliated with our web site. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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© Copyright | Dr. Keesha Ewers 2023